Zentangle fabric

Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 9:43 PM
I am so excited today.  I order some custom made fabric with one of my zentangle designs  on it.  I have something exciting planned for it but won't let on what the idea is.  (It might not work out.)

If it does work out, you can be sure I will put a picture of it on here and also on facebook.

New Tangle

Monday, December 20, 2010 at 3:00 PM
 I have joined a weekly tangle challenge on facebook.  This week we are to post a simple tangle, hopefully to simplify our lives in the midst of busy holiday preparations. 

I am sitting here looking at an undecorated tree, thinking of the gifts that have to be sent, others that have to be wrapped, cookies that have already been eaten and need to be replaced.

I also am listening to the album "Christmas with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields" and enjoying that very much.  That, along with the zentangle I am working on and will post here makes it all OK.

England, Gretchen, Frank, Chas, Grace and Clay

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 2:39 PM
Tomorrow we leave for England.  I am almost all packed and ready to go; have the passport in my purse so I guess I am ready to go.

Sky Diving???

at 2:37 PM
I was scheduled to go skydiving last Saturday and wouldn't you know that it was too windy and it rained.  I will reschedule for the spring sometime.

People ask me "Why?"  My answer is  "Why not?"  I really want to do this and hope that I can find someone to do it also.

Will it be scary?  Yes!  It probably will but it also will be exhilarating, don't you think?

Teaching again?

Monday, November 1, 2010 at 6:17 AM
I may have the opportunity to teach a class at Ottawa University.  The class is Contemporary Culture and the Media . . . . a little bit intimidating but the syllabus is created and there is a book.  I am going to talk with Rhoda Miller about it either today or tomorrow.  Rhoda is the one who will do the hiring.  

It seems like a challenge but I think a challenge would be good for me.  

And I wondered what I would do in my retirement.  

New Ideas

Friday, October 29, 2010 at 9:16 AM
I experimented with my zentangles a bit.   I took some of my tangles,  photocopied them to LaserTran transfer paper for silk, and then put them on a silk scarf.  It was not difficult to do but I would do it differently another time.

A tangle sampler was also something I wanted to do so I took an outline of the United States map and put a different tangle on each state.  Finding appropriate tangles for some of those small states in the east was a bit of a problem, but I like the finished product.

I also took some other tangles, photocopied these to Lazertran transfer paper, and put them on ceramic tiles to make coasters.
You will see all of these things in this post.

My Tangle Sampler

Zentangled Scarf

Ceramic Tiles
Tangled Scarf

Tangled mini-pumpkins

Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 8:49 PM

I couldn't resist taking a fine point sharpee and drawing some tangles on a gourd that Dwayne brought home.  This followed with 9 mini-pumpkins.  I took them to a Zentangle home party and gave the gourd to the instructor and the mini-pumpkins to the guests.  It was fun.

Recent tangles

at 4:55 PM
These are just three of recent tangles I have done. Since May, I have been drawing these and am having so much fun.  After taking a class at a local coffee shop, I have really enjoyed getting into this.  
I have made scarf with tangles on it as well as putting some tangles on ceramic tiles.